Presentation at Reading, Jan. 2013

Presentation at Reading, Jan. 2013

2010年12月12日 星期日

Graduate Application, Round II

That's what I have been doing for this entire semester, or at least some time slices of it. Actually there is nothing really worthy recording. Just to write down some random thoughts.

I was going to apply for 20+ places again, but later I decided to go for only 10. The main reason is that I am pretty sure about what I want to study in the following years, and that's a very narrow topic, at least in the U.S. to my observation. So there is no good philosophical reason for me to insist on staying in this country. To be sure, there are still some places I would like to go; that's why I still apply. But now they are very few (i.e., 10 or so). If shut out, I will go to the U.K. or Australia. No hesitation now.

And if shut out, staying in NYC for a M.A. thesis is not a bad idea as well. I want to write about proprioception, and there is at least one professor around who can help me with this. That said. I still try my best in applying. It is just that I am not as obsessed as I was last year.

A lot to say, as usual, but since no one cares, I shall keep my non-philosophical posts minimal.

